• Announcement
14. February 2022

The Partnership for Sustainable Orange Juice celebrates its 1-year anniversary.

In December 2020, the founding document was signed by the 8 founding members - with the common goal: to improve human and labour rights in the orange juice market.

In addition to improving the living and working conditions of people in the orange juice supply chain, natural resources should also be conserved and preserved. In order to achieve these goals, all relevant actors are involved in PANAO: Workers and their representatives as well as producers and retailers.

Much has already been achieved in the first year. The number of members has grown to 10 organisations. In addition to 10 meetings of the working groups, there were also 2 steering committee meetings and 9 meetings with stakeholders in Brazil. Furthermore, 3 pilot projects are currently being implemented. 

A short report was published to mark the first anniversary of PANAO. It highlights the objectives of the partnership as well as the development and results of the first year. Learn more about the next steps and the future of the Partnership for Sustainable Orange Juice.

You can find more information about PANAO on the website.