What does the INA approach mean for project work? We currently have various projects in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Colombia, West Africa and Rwanda.

Here we regularly update on project progress and results.

Looking for collaborators

Is your organisation or company active in the above-mentioned or other commodities? Would you like to work together with INA to promote livelihoods? Then write to us!

INA in West Africa

At the beginning of agricultural supply chains there is usually a small farm. In order for the work to be worthwhile, it must be able to feed at least one (large) family well. The project ‘Living Income in Tree Crops in West Africa’ aims to ensure just that. INA, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), REWE Group and Fairtrade are working together to achieve this goal.

INA in Äthiopien

The goal of the INA project is to build a sustainable growing region at the Woreda Nono Sale level in the Oromia region. The project focuses on coffee, beeswax, honey, spices. In addition, the traceability of these raw materials with digital solutions is to be improved.

INA in Colombia

The department of Caquetá is part of the Amazon river basin, a strategic ecosystem for Latin America and the globe. Historically, the department of Caquetá has been the most affected region by deforestation in Colombia due to advancing agricultural frontier and the widespread presence of illicit crops. The region is of crucial importance in the current peace process, but suffers from the continued presence of illegal armed groups and the lack of state control. Main crops are coffee, cocoa and extensive livestock production.

INA in Mozambique

Mozambique needs to solve the bottleneck created by mildew. When mildew attacks trees of a small-scale farmer the loss can be 2/3 of the potential production. The Bio-Spray research done by a development partnership with the private sector (DPP) supported by the Sustainable Agricultural Supply-Chains Initiative (INA) is on the brink of a solution that is cheaper, better and scalable.

INA in Rwanda

Since 2020, INA in Rwanda has been digitalising the supply chain of a speciality coffee that is cultivated solely by Rwandan women. These women have been producing their coffee for the German market for a long time, and yet consumers in Germany know hardly anything about the origins of the hot drink they enjoy every day. The global supply chains are usually not transparent, and the end product on the supermarket shelves tells consumers very little about the social, economic and environmental conditions in the country where the coffee is grown. INA is aiming to change this with the aid of blockchain technology. For the implementation on the ground, INA partnered with the International Women’s Coffee Alliance, Rwanda Chapter.


Corporate due diligence and accountability are rapidly gaining attention. Therefore, it is of immense importance for companies to be able to collect, retrieve and evaluate information about production conditions along the supply chain in real time. Digital traceability serves the increasing expectation for supply chain transparency - both on the part of end consumers and legislation. INATrace promotes trust and security between trading partners and makes the supply chain efficient and future-proof. Producers gain better control over their data.

Schulung von Bäuerinnen zur Herstellung von Kräuterextrakten für die Produktion von Bio-Baumwolle. // © bioRe

INA in India

More than half of India's 1.3 billion residents work in agriculture. Millions of smallholder farms are at the beginning of global agricultural supply chains. Their most important products for export are cotton, tea and spices. India has the largest area under cotton cultivation in the world, is the largest exporter of spices and the second largest producer of tea. But many smallholder farmers are affected by poverty and the effects of climate change. Only a small portion of agricultural production so far operates according to internationally recognised sustainability and quality standards.