• INA lunchbreak
  • Supply Chain Act
  • Cacao
06. October 2023

In this INA Lunchbreak we address the topic "Avoiding child labour in agricultural supply chains using the example of cocoa".

Around the world, an estimated 160 million children are in child labour. Agriculture is the most significant contributing sector, where some of the most common risks for children working on farms include handling pesticides or carrying heavy loads. Especially the cocoa sector has come under pressure to combat child labour. In Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, the largest cocoa producing countries in the world, an estimated 1.56 million children are in child labour. How can we address this complex challenge and what can companies do to combat child labour in their supply chains? These and other questions will be addressed during our 21st Lunchbreak. 

PRO-PLANTEURS will present approaches from the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire in tackling the complex challenge of child labour. PRO-PLANTEURS is a joint project of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO), the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Ivorian Coffee-Cocoa Council (Conseil du Café-Cacao). The aim of the project is to professionalize cocoa farming families and their organizations in Côte d'Ivoire, as well as to provide opportunities for women and fostering a better income and a better food basis for their families.  

Following, experts from the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will present the ICI/OECD "Business Handbook on Due Diligence in the Cocoa Sector – Addressing Child Labour and Forced Labour”. The handbook gives guidance to companies to help them identify, prevent and address child labour and forced labour risks in the cocoa sector and illustrates how companies can meet their human rights due diligence obligations. The handbook was financially supported by BMZ.  

The one-hour online meeting takes place on the first Friday of the month.

The date is Friday, 06.10.202­­­­­3 from 12.00 - 13.00pm CET.

The event will be held in English.   


12.00pm       Opening and Updates

                       Lisa Kirfel-Rühle, Deputy Head of Division, Division 122 / BMZ 


12.05pm       Experiences from the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire 

                        Sonia Lehmann, Project Manager, PRO-PLANTEURS  

                        Contribution to Eliminate Child Labor in Cocoa Producing Communities

                        and Improving the Social and Economic Status of Youth 

                        Camara Sauveur Kingoun, Cocoa Programme Manager, Solidaridad Network

                        West Africa (WAF)


12.20pm       Q&A


12.25pm        Presentation of ICI/OECD "Business Handbook on Due Diligence in the

                        Cocoa Sector – Addressing Child Labour and Forced Labour” 

                        Sarah Dekkiche, Director of Policy and Partnerships, International Ccooa

                        Initiative (ICI)


12.40pm       Q&A


12.55pm       Summary and outlook
                       Moritz Heldmann, Programme Manager INA


Host: Annette Cerulli-Harms, ConPolicy 


The handbook discussed in the INA Lunchbreak, "Business Handbook on Due Diligence in the Cocoa Sector – Addressing Child Labour and Forced Labour" can be found here.


The event is aimed at interested parties from the private sector, civil society and politics.

Download the presentations
presentation of PRO-PLANTEURS

PRO-PLANTEURS PowerPoint from the 21st Lunchbreak

presentation of Solidaridad

Solidaridad PowerPoint from the 21st Lunchbreak

presentation of ICI/OECD

ICI/OECD PowerPoint from the 21st Lunchbreak